Share & Learn

Our members are sharing and learning about their medical conditions, treatment and support.

Lung cancer


I'm sorry these were not the results you were hoping for. I feel I'm in a similiar situation. I have appt on monday am stressed ...


Bladder cancer


This is to follow up on a previous discussion about medical ID's. I had been looking and couldn't find one I liked ----- I found ...

medical id bracelets

Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes


I just tried and made a mess of things. If I can't get back on here, you all will know I messed up. xo Tali ...


A Community of Trust

We've created a community together with the most trusted partners.

Backed by core principles

We believe that patients and caregivers need a safe place to support and connect with one another. Learn More

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    We are a mission-driven company — providing our community free to members and partners — and we will always be transparent about how we earn money.

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    Privacy Control

    We believe that our members should be in control of their personal information and how it's shared. We make this straightforward through an easy privacy control panel.

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    We aim to never trick you - intentionally or accidentally. Team Inspire is here to support you and answer your questions.

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    We work hard to create an environment where you feel safe sharing information about your health and the health of your loved ones.